Every once in a while I come across an incredible blog post or free app or book that I just can’t keep to myself. I’ve been collecting a list for a while and want to pass a few of these links along to you. 🙂
1. Free apps for the iphone and ipad: I check these sites every day (or at least I try to). The red “app gratis” and the blue/tag “AppsGonefree” have new apps every day, and after a day or so, they will no longer be free. I can’t figure out a way to post a link to these apps, so just head over to your App Store and search for these apps by name and appearance.
Because of these free apps, I confess that I have become somewhat of an “app hoarder” – but I’m working on this… If I haven’t used the app in two months, I’m getting rid of it. I promise! I can’t tell you how many cameras and collage apps I have… But it is fun to have the option of a good app for a free price, so I gather several, then choose the one that works best for me. So if you tend toward hoarding, be warned! 😉
2. This is a link to the Life Today collection of “Wednesdays with Beth“, a grouping of Beth Moore‘s teachings on James & Betty Robertson’s TV show, Life Today. Most of Beth’s messages are in three or four parts. I like to wait until the entire message is posted, then soak it in all at once.
This is the Life Today link containing each television episode – always a blessing through every guest & episode.
3. If you ever need to know the right way to say or write something in our English language, or which word should be used in which context, check out Grammar Girl. Because of the informal way we treat the English language, and especially because of texting shortcuts, we have lost the “proper” way to write and speak. I know I have. There is a difference in writing on a blog and how I would write a term paper or doctoral thesis. I’ve always loved English, but am sad to say that many of the rules have slipped my brain. “Grammar Girl” is a site ready to help us out of those sticky language situations… those dangling participles and prepositions up with which we should not put… (get it?)
4. Do you ever wish you had a little more Biblical knowledge, or wonder about the origin of certain Biblical words? Biblos.com is one of my favorite and most used links in studying Scripture. It is a virtual library of Biblical dictionaries, thesauruses, commentaries, word studies… So much information available and offered in an easy to process way.
5. For free e-books, I check this site as often as possible. Every few days, Gospel E-Books adds Christian books available for free – and many other wonderful books at great discounts. This link will take you straight to the FREE Christian books.
Again… hoarder alert… I’m embarrassed to tell you how many e-books I have on my kindle app… and I probably paid for about 5 of them. 🙂
6. One more link – This past weekend, Ann Voskamp shared this link to these incredible pictures of some incredible places around the globe. However, in light of this blog post I shared last week, I can’t help but wonder if there has been some photo-shopping going on… I hate that I now doubt beauty as seen in pictures… but none the less, there must be at least some truth to these pictures, and even without the possible color enhancements, they are amazing. Visit this site and see for yourself the unique detail of God’s imaginative creation.
I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Our children are in some major testing this week, and at the week’s end, we only have two more weeks until our summer begins. This has been the fastest school year that I can remember.
As of May the 1st, James has worked at FBCC for three full years. In a way, I can’t believe that we have been here that long. And in another way, we love this place and its people so much that it seems like we have lived here forever. Grace, gratitude, joy…
With much love~
Thanks so much for these wonderful links! =)
I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day week!