{Just a little FYI: this post is to be taken slightly “tongue-in-cheek.”}
As most of you know, our firstborn graduated from high school this past Thursday night.
This was a victory not only for Nathan, but for us, too. Graduation isn’t all about the students. At least not in our world. It’s about the multitude of teachers who have poured countless hours of energy and emotion into our children, especially in those early years igniting a love for learning as they wipe snotty noses and bandage scraped knees like a mama would.
And then, it’s about the parents too. Thursday night was also about James and me and all of those horrible hours after school spent at the dining room table pounding in the math facts and spelling words and praying to God for mercy and miracles and patience and sometimes even begging Jesus to just hurry up and come before Friday’s tests! Its about the million mama-tears shed over this and that – big and small – real and imaginary. It’s about loving your child so much and wanting to strangle him at the same time and the emotional roller coaster wrecks that make you wonder if you’ll all make it through the third grade, much less TO and then THROUGH High School…
Then there we were. Thursday as we were getting dressed, I looked at James and said, probably for the first of many times to come, “How did we get here?” How did this:
And so quickly? What they say is true – The days are long and the years are short!
So I said all of that to say… James Walker… We did it! And I’ve been singing this song all weekend. Sing it with me! (I even added my own words for the Dora tasks. We’ll call them “Nathan Tasks” haha)
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
Lo hicimos!
We did it
We attended all the schools and finished every grade…
We did it!We did it!
We did it!
We turned in every project and made sure he wasn’t late…
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We did it!
We spent eighteen years preparing for this time…
And watched our son walk in a graduation line…
Yeah! Dad, We did it!
Yep. We did it! Yay! Hooray! And though we didn’t get any official hats or diploma, I added a little “adornment” to one of our pictures… just as a reminder of our victory on this day.
I love you James Walker! Thanks for being a wonderful dad and husband. We couldn’t have done this without you. Seriously. And you know it! 😉
We will be doing the same thing same time same place next year when Abigail will be wearing the cap and gown. I’m cherishing every moment I have with her this year!!!
And to my graduate: Oh how I love you, Nathan Walker! Though I joke in this post about the hours and tears spent getting you through school, I would do it again in a heartbeat!!! You are well worth it a million times over!!!!!!!! I thank God for you – just the way that you are, and know that He is working great and mighty things in and through your life. We are seeing the fruit of our labor, but so much more than that, we are joyfully watching God work out what He has worked in you. YOU make me smile. It is a privilege to be your mom.
Teachers, Nathan, Abigail, James, and of course, Jesus: Praise the Lord- WE DID IT!!!!!
Now, family is backing out a bit… So Nathan, you & Jesus… You’re on to the next milestone with all of our love & prayers and support whenever and wherever …always!
You can do it!!!!!!
Congratulations! It is a joy to see all the hard work and the years spent come to fruition. I am so happy for Nathan. I’m sure he knows how blessed his years have been to have you and James supporting and encouraging him all along the way. Love to you all!
Thank you so much, Debbie. You will always hold a special place in our hearts!
Congratulations to Nathan and family.
Thank you, Sue!