Or more appropriately entitled “The Post That Got Away”…
It took almost an hour last night, but my thumbs and I typed a heartfelt and light hearted post before going to sleep. You blog friends were on my mind, and I wanted to pop in and say hello. I’m reading blogs when I can, but can’t comment in my phone. I got all the way to the part where the post is scheduled and hit the wrong button on my phone, and it all disappeared! Gone, without a trace. By then, it was so late that I couldn’t even remember what I had just said (actually I still don’t remember all of it), so I went to sleep with the consolation that God was even in control of Blog postings, and I left it in His wise hands. (Its funny though, I awoke in the night with that post on my mind, but it was entitled “Blogging From My Blackberry One Thumb at a Time”. Now that I’m awake, that title isn’t nearly as clever. Grin.
I bring you greetings from the Mississippi Delta, and my new hometown of Cleveland, MS. Although our house remains in Nashville, our hearts & lives belong here now, and we are happy to begin this new leg of the journey. The Lord has led us to the house He intends to become our earthly home, and we are waiting and trusting Him to bring all of the details together in His perfect timing & glorifying ways.
In the mean time, we are doing what the Lord, through Jeremiah, in Jeremiah chapter 29, instructed His people to do: settle in where you are while you wait. Since James has been in Cleveland without us, he’s been living in a wonderful one bedroom apartment over the garage of some of the most wonderful people in this city. Its rustic, charming, and beautifully decorated – much like a cabin in Gattlinberg. It has been perfect for Him, and as we have visited, we’ve enjoyed pretending we’re luxury camping together in the apartment. But school will start soon, and we felt like The Lord was leading our family to go ahead and “settle in” in Cleveland, making the apartment our “home” until He tells us otherwise. Our host friends have been so gracious and giving to us… We feel so blessed!
In true “settling in” fashion, we set up stackable bins and plastic shelves, and stocked up on cooking implements of the luxury camping kind. Its amazing how little we really need to live. We are making it fine without my collection of dishes and serving pieces! (But, I must inject here, I brought almost all of my “beauty” products. There are just some things a girl can’t live without!)
One thing I can’t wait to share with you is a book I’m reading by Priscilla Shirer, called “One in a Million. It has been a God given companion on the journey The Lord ordained for our family at this present time. I’m hoping to finish the book next week. We’ll see if I cn blog it from the bb when the time comes. 😉
Much love to you, my friends. May our Lord bless and keep each of you, make His face to shine upon you, and give you His beautiful sustaining peace!
Thoughts of you as you transition…
By the way, loved "one in a million." So glad God gave it to you in this season. I imagine it means doubly more because of what you're walking through…
Been there. Still there.
Precious friend, I'm glad to read this and to be able to PRAISE THE LORD with you as HE is faithful and all that He's done shows you that HE WILL CONTINUE to provide — love, worship and trust HIM as I know you do.
I'm praying…
Love you.
beautiful blog..pls visit mine and be a follower.. thanks and God bless..
I sent the painting to your mom and it should have arrived yesterday. Hope you enjoy!
Dear anonymous friend, can you hear me shouting a big praise to the Lord??? YEAH God, and YEAH your faithful family!!! 1st Thes 5:24 comes to mind: God is faithful. If He said it, He'll do it! (Something like that!) I'm thrilled for you and for how God set the final provision up for His glory, and am truly celebrating with you, friend!!!!!
I'd love to keep up with you on FB. Did you try clicking the FB button on the lower left side of the blog? If that doesn't work, I'm Jennifer Crawford Walker, & my user name is SmellingCoffee. If all else fails, email me your name & how I can find you & I'll look u up. Jennifer.smellingcoffee@gmail.com
I am praying for you as I'm sure you still have lots to do within the next few weeks. So glad this part of your wait is over. You honored God through the wait & I know He will take care of everything in His perfect time and way.
With love,
Thanks for continuing to post about your journey. It means a lot to me! I love the stories you share and how in a strange way I seem to go through similar things at almost the same time. I've posted a couple times before (anonymously) about my family's journey to serve Him full-time overseas in a closed country and our struggle with raising support and waiting on His timing, etc. You took time to answer my previous post saying you were praying for us and hoped we'd share when He did what He said He would do. Well, I'm here to say — HE HAS!!!! He provided us with our remaining financial need last month. In fact, so much so that I was in total shock …. $23,000 in donations in one month. When we haven't had more than $2000 normally and our need has been $5K/mo. So, we actually have plane tickets to leave in 2 weeks and our family is on our way. We pray that He will use us to shine His light on the people we are going to serve. Thank you for your prayers even though you didn't know who we were. Thanks for sharing your stories and following His leading to encourage those of us who are trying to serve Him and bring Him even greater glory.
I tried to find you on facebook, but wasn't able to. But if I did, I could share a little more with you than I can here on blogger.
Oh how I love your attitude and heart…they are soo inspiring. And your soo right…it is amazing how little you really "need" to live. We lived our of boxes and just what we absolutely needed for almost 2 months while we waited for our new home to be ready. And you know what? It really wasn't nearly as bad as I had projected. But your right about this as well ~ I had to have my "things" for my hair and face, haha. A girl has to do what a girl has to do, haha…Praying all goes well for you. HUGS, Debbie
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Hi JEN!!! SO good to hear this news from you. I'm so sorry that you and the children are spending time away from James. Having had my husband have a separate apartment in another city for two years until we could move to be with him, I can attest that it is a very difficult season. I pray that the Lord will work through this quickly (in His time not mine) to get you all settled into your new home. In the meantime, I love your response to the current situation… as always you are a Godly model of a woman set to follow her Lord as wife and mother. Love to you my sweet friend. Hugging you from the Midwest!
You are really getting good with that Blackberry. I'm impressed. I so appreciated your email to me. With all that's going on in your world, I love that you took the time. Bless you my friend. I know wherever you live, people will gravitate to you and love you.
I just wish a Baptist church in Phoenix had recruited that hubby of yours but maybe one day I'll get to meet you in person.
Much love,