I’ve been sitting at my computer for some time now, trying hard to form the words – any words – to say about the amazing weekend I gratefully spent on the Walk to Emmaus. Any of you who have gone on this (or a similar) walk will immediately know what I’d love to express. You’ll also understand the difficulty in putting those thoughts and feelings into tangible words. To say it was a blessing is a gross understatement, but that’s about all I can do for now. There is so much to process and to continue to marinate in my heart and mind… For now, I’ll just say two things:
1. “Thank you” to everyone who had a part in this “Central Mississippi Walk to Emmaus 111” and in my getting there and being blessed while there ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for praying and encouraging me as I prepared for this walk.
2. If God ever opens a door and leads you to go on this walk, do it! You won’t regret it! You can find out much more about it here. [Let me know if you do go on a walk… it will be my privilege to pray for you as so many prayed for me! :-)]
As I type this, I’m having trouble sleeping, so I’m watching FOX news’ live coverage of the celebrating over Bin Laden’s death. Although I’m thankful that the war on terror is making progress, my heart remains too heavy over the state of our nation and world to jump up and down and pump my fist in victory.
If I think too much about the wars oversees, the natural disasters close to home, the instability of our economy, and the personal tragedies of so many, I can get a bit overwhelmed in spirit. The daily news makes me acutely aware that life is uncertain. Today is uncertain. Tomorrow is uncertain. In fact, I can’t imagine how these heavy and uncertain times can or will be resolved.
It’s a good thing I’m not the one responsible for resolving them! A men?
On April 29th, Oswald Chambers’ devotion in My Utmost For His Highest addressed this very issue, yet instead of calling it “The heaviness of uncertainty” (as my natural self tends to call it), he calls it “The Graciousness of Uncertainty.” My dear “QT friend” Oswald Chambers says:
“The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our nests anywhere. Common sense says ‘Well, supposing I were in that condition…’ We cannot suppose ourselves in any condition we have never been in.
Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life: gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life.
To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth. This is generally said with a sigh of sadness, it should be rather an expression of breathless expectation.
We are uncertain in the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately we abandon to God, and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our life with surprises all the time…. We are not uncertain of God, but uncertain of what He is going to do next.
…When we are rightly related to God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful uncertainty and expectancy…. Leave the whole thing to Him, it is gloriously uncertain how He will come in, but He will come. Remain loyal to Him.”
Breathless expectation… The graciousness of uncertainty… Certain uncertainty… That’s what we need! The days ahead aren’t guaranteed, but God is! No matter what we are dealing with, if we will remain loyal to God (love and obey Him for today and trust Him for tomorrow), we will experience the breathless expecataion of being certain in each uncertainty, with a God-given graciousness over our lives. Let’s be “frogs” – Fully Rely On God. 😉
With prayers for you to be certain (in God) in the midst of life’s uncertainty~
“The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” Psalm 28:7
This post spoke to my heart. Especially the part about our hearts sighing as we say we are uncertain but rather to learn to embrace it with breathless expectation. What a transformation in thinking!!
I'm curious about this walk that you took. I will need to check into it. Don't have time to link now. But I will come back and check it out.
Just now catching up on blogs-I am so happy for your & taking a Walk to Emmaus. I went last year in October & it was a life changing event for me & my walk with God!
Decolores dear sister!
Oh my, how your words (and Oswald Chambers) touched my soul today. Isn't that just like God?! We sit here today with life hanging in several areas of life for us, wondering what God is up to. Wondering what is next. I love the "graciousness of uncertainty" phrase. Thank you for your obedience in the post – we never know how God is going to use us.
So true, Beth! I now want everyone I know to have that same blessing!!! 🙂
Jennifer – i went on my 'walk' over 2 years ago and it was the most awesome thing! i have even worked a few walks since then and it is always a HUGE blessing to serve others the way we were served in love.