I’m so appreciative of all of you who read Smelling Coffee, and I always want you to get the most out of each blog post. Many of you are following along on Facebook – and it’s fun to see your faces there. (If you aren’t, but would like to, just “like” Smelling Coffee on the left of this blog’s sidebar, or look up Smelling Coffee on FB, and “like” it there.)
***** I had to go back in and add something kind of funny / sad to this post. It’s about the Facebook page “Smelling Coffee.” When the page was brand new, after a few days, I had about 40 people who “liked Smelling Coffee.” I went to bed that night and awoke the next morning with 140 “likes”. I was thrilled. Amazed. Thankful. But I couldn’t help but wonder where the extra 100 came from~ literally overnight.
I started looking at them, and saw some {how shall we say it… odd?} people on the FB page. They didn’t look like most people who read the blog. But I was glad the message was getting out there, and I praised God for them. Then, I clicked on one of those profiles and discovered why all of a sudden 100 extra people liked Smelling Coffee. It’s actually now a CHOICE on Facebook as people are setting up their interests on their profiles. For example, I “like”: The Bible, Casting Crowns, Gone With The Wind, Toby Mac, and lots of other things/people. Well… Apparently, some people “like” to smell coffee. So, when they see “Smelling Coffee” as a choice, they will “like it”. Until they start getting blog posts from me, then they quickly “unlike” it.
I realized my theory’s truth when this conversation showed up on the Smelling Coffee wall one day:
I had written this:
Hi friends. I just wanted to send you a shout out telling you that I’m praying specifically for you today. I pray that you know Psalm 103 as a reality in your life – and that you are reminded that our Merciful and Faithful God does these things for us daily if we let Him: forgives, redeems, dignifies, crowns, satisfies, renews, justifies, and loves! He loves you so much!
If “Joe” hadn’t been so terribly misled, this comment would have been laughable. “Um… this is about smelling coffee” Yes, I know, Joe. It’s my page. 😉
Instead, this was my response to “Joe”:
Just click the highlighted link in your e-mail. How easy is that?!
3. You did sign up, put your e-mail in the box, and verified your e-mail address, but you still aren’t getting the e-mails.
Simple Solution: Check your spam folder. Because the e-mail is sent out to many at one time, your e-mail settings might send the Smelling Coffee e-mails straight to your spam box. In that case, just white list it or add the e-mail address to your address book, so your computer will know you want it to come to your inbox.
If none of these things work, e-mail me { Jennifer.SmellingCoffee@gmail.com } and we’ll see what we can do. 😉
Now, for the recipe.
This is my “go to” dessert recipe when I need something quick and delicious. It’s been around for years, and we’ve never grown tired of making it or eating it. It’s called many things, but we call it “Dump Cake”… which, now, as I write this, doesn’t sound too appetizing… but it tastes delicious!
“Help! Company’s Coming!” Dump Cake
- 1 can crushed pineapple
- 1 can cherry pie filling (or apple pie filling, or peach pie filling…or even a bowl full of fresh and sliced/sugared peaches)
- 1 box yellow cake mix
- 1 stick of butter or margarine
Grease a 9×13 pan. “Dump” (layer) first 3 ingredients into pan. Slice butter thinly and place evenly over cake mix. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. (Some parts of the cake mix may still be “dry” after baked, but it’s good that way! )
You can serve this alone, or with ice cream. I try to keep all of those ingredients on hand, just in case we need a quickie dessert. If you have a variation of this recipe, please share! I’d love to add it to this recipe’s card.
Blessings to and gratitude for each of you~ And don’t forget to pray for “Joe”…
Thanks so much, my friends, for your encouraging words and for praying for "Joe". We have no idea how God will use our prayers… so it's awesome to be a part of his life so far from here (He doesn't live in the USA).
Love to you all~
I was wondering where "Mr. Joe" was headed and loved how well you handled the situation.
I never thought about making an acutal page to "Like" for my blog, as just last night I set up a "secret" group instead.
I think another thing about "Joe" that is interesting is that we call coffee, a cup of joe.
Love God and my coffee-
As I read this post, I just kept saying, "Oh, Oh, Oh…"
I could just feel how those responses from Joe would have mad ME feel.
Oh my.
Well…Joe has no idea that he is now the recipient of more than your prayers.
I pray that Joe truly will "wake up and smell the coffee" and know that God wants to fill his cup with HIMSELF.
Good Morning Jennifer! Love this post…. for many reasons. Regarding "Joe" ~ I can't help but think that your response may have been the first time someone shared with him that God really does love him. In a non~threatening, non~judging way. It's not often in our world that Christians share their faith in a non~condeming way. And Glory to God, He may have just used COFFEE to speak through you to this man. So yes, let's all pray that "Joe" who's just seen a small glimpse into the reality of the love the Lord has for him, will be moved toward the Truth.
Your recipe is one of my all~time favorites. It's the easiest to make and tastes perfect every time. Great reminder to bring out this classic soon!!!
You have a WONDERFUL day my Coffee Smelling, God~ Loving Friend! 🙂
Love you!