Hi friends~ Are you joining a Bible study group this fall? SO many wonderful studies are available – I wish I could do them all! What are you doing?
At our church, we are doing a fabulous study, Jesus on Leadership, by Gene Wilks.
This 6-week study offers an excellent invitation to walk up close and personal with Jesus as we watch how He leads and loves His people. It really changed my thoughts and attitudes about leadership. We are offering it many times throughout the week – in both men’s and women’s study groups. The prayer is that as many people as possible will take the study and grow in the Lord through it.
If you are in the Cleveland, MS area, YOU ARE INVITED to join us!!! We start this Sunday, September 9.
Sunday nights: 5 – 7.
Tuesday mornings: 9-11.
Wednesday nights: 6-7.
All groups will meet in Room 105.
Childcare will be provided on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, and we’re working on childcare for Tuesday mornings.
When we finish this course, we ladies will continue meeting during the same times and study Kay Arthur’s book, Lord, Teach Me to Pray.
I’m so excited about what God has to speak into us through these studies. We would be honored if you would join us this fall – and this Spring! We’ll have several diverse Bible study options in the Spring term – and I’m looking forward to them all. Don’t know which one should I do!
Another option: If you are looking for a great Bible study group and don’t have one readily available at your church, may I suggest a group that is near and dear to my heart? Community Bible Study. This study has groups that meet all over the nation and around the world. I had the privilege of serving in this ministry when we lived in Nashville. You can find out if there is a study group near you by clicking on this link.
If there are no organized Bible Study groups near you at all… don’t let that discourage you! Why not start one in your home? Prayerfully choose study material, invite a few ladies over for coffee and conversation – then there you have it – an organized Bible study group! You can certainly do a Bible study on your own! A group is not “necessary” – however, it is helpful. Being a part of a Bible study group keeps us accountable and encouraged. It’s a super way to make friends and to grow closer to acquaintances.
You don’t have to do a published/printed Bible study in order to study God’s Word. Each believer in Jesus Christ actually has the capacity of studying the Scriptures straight from the “raw Word of God.” If you want to know how to begin studying the Bible by yourself for yourself, click here.
As I wrap up this post, I’m going to share six of my all-time favorite Bible studies. I invite you to do the same. Comment and share the names and authors of your favorites. You just might name the very study some other reader is needing. 🙂 I have Many.Many.Many favorites. These are but a few “oldies but goodies” that often get overlooked because of the wonderful new studies published each year. If we aren’t growing in the depth of God’s Word, it certainly isn’t because of a lack of material!
Experiencing God – Henry Blackaby (Knowing God intimately, knowing His voice and His ways, and recognizing Him in your every-day life)
Living God’s Word – Waylon B. Moore (Practical “how-to” steps in what to do in your quiet times and how to grow to know the Lord more intimately through His Word)
Breaking Free – Beth Moore (Releasing those chains that keep us bound and guilty, and experiencing true freedom in Jesus)
Lord, I Want to Know You – Kay Arthur (Discovering God’s personality and purpose through some of His names)
In My Father’s House – Mary Kassian (Learning to separate a poor earthly father from the traits of our Perfect Heavenly Father. If you have a hard time enjoying God as “Daddy” – this would be an excellent choice for you!)
Walking by Faith – Jennifer Rothschild (Encouragement in trusting God and instruction in finding true peace and joy – especially in the difficult and dark times of life)
Fall is a season of “new starts” – kind of like a second “New Year” – so I encourage you to ask the Lord what He would have you study as a new season begins. He’ll lead you, and you will be blessed. Not a moment spent in His Word is ever wasted.
By your words I can see where I’m going;
they throw a beam of light on my dark path.
I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back
from living by your righteous order.
Everything’s falling apart on me, God;
put me together again with your Word.
Festoon me with your finest sayings, God;
teach me your holy rules.
My life is as close as my own hands,
but I don’t forget what you have revealed.
The wicked do their best to throw me off track,
but I don’t swerve an inch from your course.
I inherited your book on living; it’s mine forever—
what a gift! And how happy it makes me!
I concentrate on doing exactly what you say—
I always have and always will.
Psalm 119:105-112, The Message
I LOVE CBS!!! Our group will be studying Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1 & 2 Samuel.
I’m going to be in Beth Moore’s “James: Mercy Triumphs” study. Looking forward to being a structured study again!
Lynn… I know you will LOVE it! We did that in the spring. Still bearing fruit in our lives.
Thanks for the new books to read. Each one of them sounds like exactly what I need right now in my life. For the last ten years or more I have had a much closer walk with God. I’m learning an trying to be bolder with talking an witnessing to people about him. If it wasn’t for my faith in God I wouldn’t be here today. Thanks for all your encouragement an for being the Godly woman you are. I knew in High School you were always a sweet heart an you would do so well in life. I have enjoyed Smelling Coffee. Would love to see you when you come home to Batesville. Call me 662-654-0688
Buffy Morrow
Buffy ~ So good to hear from you and to read of the encouraging things God is doing in your life. I’d love to visit with you one of these days. Thank you for the sweet things you said. I am praying for you right now. 🙂
Love ya~