Thanks so much for expending your energy to share personal energy zappers! I loved your comments – they all ring true. In fact, I’ve listed them below because most of us can relate to most of them. But Linda B’s comment was the one chosen by “Random(dot)org”. So congrats to Linda! 🙂
Linda, you’ll need to send me your email address ( and Araba Joy will send you a link to download the book. For everyone else, the book is $4.99 – same price of a cup of coffee, yet the energy you’ll get from the book will last much longer. So, go to and get your copy today. (Or click on the link below.) Then your energy can explode tomorrow. 🙂
Energy Zappers you shared:
My energy is zapped by trying to meet the needs of so many people.
Linda B said: my energy is zapped when I have to seach for paperwork I have not put in its proper place! Also when I eat “junk” food!!
Good question! My energy is zapped when I organize my closets and paperwork. I dread those 2 jobs..
My energy is zapped when I am pulled away from my work, to do something that someone else was supposed to do. The second thing that zaps my energy is discord. I cant stand it when things are not harmonious. Its ok if you dont like something or someone, but does it have to be a major arguement EVERY time?!
Hi! My energy has been so zapped the past year and a half trying to adjust myself and my whole family to living overseas. No car and walking a mile back and forth carrying anything we need to buy on our backs from the local store means a lot of trips to the market with 2 kids, it can be exhausting along with language learning, homeschool, and trying to always be ready to serve others as best we can…we sure do need His joy and power, energy and grace to do so! ~but doing my best to keep on keeping on for the King 😉
My energy is zapped when I try to be all things to all people!
I read this on my phone and never got to comment so I will now…. What zaps my energy?? Getting out of the bed in the morning!!! 🙂 Of course, that’s probably due to not being in the bed along enough to re-juvenate my energy from the day before, huh?? Just had to chime in! I’ll read the book and see how I can get that energy back!
Chasing a toddler when I’m 45 definitely zaps my energy, though I’m thankful for the privilege of doing it.
Wow, ladies~ we have SO many things that zap energy! Life is often difficult and demanding, isn’t it? Sometimes we can’t help it. And sometimes we can. As I’m reading through your comments and praying for each of you, one favorite scripture passage comes to mind:
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out…? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG
May the Lord wash Himself over you like unforced rhythms of grace as you commit your busy life to Him. And may you, dear friends, keep company with Jesus in the midst of the craziness around you. He is our Number One source of energy!
I’m off with my mom and daughter to speak at a retreat in Gatlinburg TN. Much love and energy to each of you! 🙂