… And my friends, this is NOT a post about whether participating in Halloween is right or wrong. Personally, our family does not “celebrate” Halloween, HOWEVER, if we are going to be home on Halloween night, we USE it as an opportunity to share the Light and Love of Jesus to the children in our neighborhood.
In the most recent years, this year included, most of us will be at our church helping with a Carnival as an outreach ministry to those in our town. Though we may not be home for the entire “trick or treating time,” I plan on leaving a few “treats” {with a message about Jesus attached}on our front porch with an invitation to join us at FBC. IF someone steals all of the candy, then I’m already praying that God will speak mightily to the thief and will use the candy as a blessing in his/her life. 🙂 [PS: I don’t spend a lot of money on this candy if we aren’t going to be home, nor do I put it in a container that I value… just in case God needs to “speak mightily to a thief” that night.]
Over the years, I’ve collected ideas and sayings that Christian families have used to Light up Halloween night as a Witnessing Opportunity for the glory of God.
Anytime we can take something of “the world” and shine the Light of Jesus upon it – that’s a good thing!
Below are some Light-shining ideas for the weekend..
Truth and Scripture attached to candy – Candy Message ideas
Choose one or more sayings below and attach them to each individual piece of candy. That’s the easiest part.
This is the important part: When the doorbell rings and a young one says, “Trick or Treat,”… take that moment to add in a little {gooby sounding, but true} phrase like, “Hope you enjoy the candy… but we want you to know that Jesus is the real TREAT of our lives.” They’ll probably just look at you and think you are weird. But when they get home and see that you’ve also attached a truth and Scripture verse to your candy, they will remember which home gave it. Only God knows what might happen next. They’ll remember your house as the one with the Message, and may one day come back to your door desperate for answers that only Jesus can give. You are being LIGHT on a dark night!
Dum Dums
If someone makes you feel like a Dum Dum, just remember this: Jesus loves YOU! To Jesus, you are NO Dum Dum! (Read John 3:16 in the Bible.)
Reeses Pieces
When life seems to fall to “Pieces,” turn to Jesus. He loves you and will help you. (Read Hebrews 13:6 in the Bible.)
“Smarties” know that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their lives! Be a Smartie! (Read Jeremiah 29:11 in the Bible.)
{Added on Nov. 2nd – this was a big hit! Most of the little children pulled the candy out of their bags as they walked away and I heard them either reading it aloud or giving it to their parents to read. Only the ones too old to be trick-or-treating anyway turned up their noses at it. Grin.}
If you have a “Whopper” of a decision to make, be sure to pray about it. (Read Proverbs 3:5-6 in the Bible.)
If you’ve made a “Whopper” of a mistake in life, God will forgive you. Just ask Him. (Read Psalm 51:3 in the Bible.)
Crunch Bar
Whenever you are in a “Crunch,” call out to Jesus. He will help you. (Read Jeremiah 33:3 in the Bible.)
Life Savers
Jesus is the True “Life Saver.” (Read John 10:10 in the Bible.)
M & M’s
God’s plan for your life is that you grow up to be “Mighty” & “Marvelous.” He will help you. (Read Isaiah 55:8-9 in the Bible.)
Almond Joy
Jesus will put real “Joy” into your life. (Read Psalm 51:12 in the Bible.)
Hand out Gospel Tracts OR personal notes along with your Candy – Candy Ministry ideas
It is probably too late to order any, but this is a super website with links to lots of resources. You could use some of the ideas and create your own.
We will never be totally happy and fulfilled apart from Jesus. If you would like to know more about Jesus filling that “empty spot” in your life, please read the enclosed booklet and call us if you have any questions.
We have prayed for each person who steps on our porch tonight, and we thank God for bringing you here.
Whatever it is that you do this weekend or on the 31st, if you make it your mission to be a Light Bearer to those whose lives you encounter, God will work and will be glorified. 🙂
Col. 3:17 (Amp)
Love your post!! I was looking for scriptures to put on Halloween bags & your post came up… I couldn’t believe I found some! Thanks so much for sharing!
So glad you found something here you could use to LIGHT up Halloween with Jesus’ love. 🙂
Blessings to you~
Awesome article! Thank you so much for posting!!!
Glad to! Hope it helps Jesus SHINE tonight! 🙂
What an awesome ideas. as a newcommer to Christ I teach preschool and struggle at times trying to teach my little ones about my love of Jesus without being overbearing this fits perfect with me. Thanks so much.
These are great little sayings. My kids and I had a real laugh as we read through your “sweet” sayings! 🙂
We too attach tracks to candy we leave out on the doorstep! With a little note as well!
I promoted your post on my websites fb page here! https://www.facebook.com/LeavinganIntentionalLegacy/posts/541604222574983
I have also written a bit on this topic and am offering a FREE Pumpkin Gospel Printable this year! I just love seeing how the Holy Spirit moves among His body… rising up and working in hearts all over… don’t you?
I love this idea! My husband, our 8 month old son, and I just moved to a new very small town and I’m handing out candy this halloween. I’m writing verses and note cards, cutting them into little pieces of paper, and taping them on the candy – halloween definitely isn’t my favorite time of the year, but that doesn’t mean it’s not an opportunity to share the Gospel!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you so much for this. I recently became a redeemed person (last November) and have been struggling with Halloween this year. I’m trying to teach my children how to handle this day, and I really like this idea, and plan on using it! Thanks so much!
Wow, your awesome! I was just talking to my father in law, and he gave me this idea because I was looking for pray mints and said he can make them yourself.I searched and found your site, I love how the verses go with each candy. Thanks for the Halloween ideas as well as usable all year. God bless.
Thank you so much, Tina! May your family be a light especially on the 31st. 🙂