Since we live where we rarely get snow, when we do have a snowfall, it’s a special occasion. We usually do these five things, most often in this order: celebrate, take pictures, bundle up, play outside, and make snow cream. Over the years, I’ve tried lots of snow cream recipes, but for us, the “Snow-cream-experience” usually tops its actual taste. But Paula Deen has changed that for us! I found her snow cream recipe this year, and it is absolutely DELICIOUS…Truly the best snow cream we’ve ever had. From now on, I’m keeping a can of sweetened condensed milk tucked away for those rare snowfalls and the best snow cream ever!
Paula Deen’s Snow Cream
8 cups snow, or shaved ice
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place snow or shaved ice into a large bowl. Pour condensed milk over and add vanilla. Mix to combine. Serve immediately in bowls.
Jessica Hicks says
Hi!! So excited to stumble upon your website! It is so encouraging to find other Christians, and I have found several on Pintrest, which is how I came across yours, I too am a minister’s wife, young minister and young wife. My husband got saved almost 2 years ago, and I almost a month ago, FINALLY! I thank my Lord for not giving up on me, I “played” Christian for about a year after making several professions of faith, but it wasn’t real. My husband and I both partied in our previous years, lots of it together. We spent the larger part of our relationship living together, not married, and making a mess of our lives, letting drugs and alcohol consume our days, thoughts, and actions. It was until we got pulled over one night after a bout of drinking that our lives began a transformation that I had no idea was even in store. My husband went to jail for 45 days while I stayed home, working two jobs and taking care of our 1 and 2 year old. While he was there, our now pastor came to have church with the men as he’d been doing for 17 years, and had been going to a unit for several weeks after he’d asked repeatedly for unit #1, however this particular night he went in without asking for it, and yet God gave him unit #1, which was where my husband was. During the preaching of the rapture and having been under conviction of God’s Holy Spirit, my husband knew he wasn’t saved, and made a decision that night to surrender to God, and quit running from His love and forgiveness. When he came home to me, I honestly didn’t think it would last, but over a period of a couple weeks I knew he was a completely changed man. He no longer wanted to watch or listen to the same movies or music he once did, he didn’t want to dress as he did before, and he had absolutely no desire to drink or do any drugs after this transformation, rebirth, had taken place on March 24,2011. I made a profession of salvation when he was in jail, and when he came home, we got married and baptized, and became very active in the church. He began going to the jail telling men how they too could have a new life in Christ, and I maintained a sober life for a few months, but to my dismay I was fooled by my own deceitful heart. I had tried holding onto my own desires while confessing the Lord but not living by the Lord. I had said He was my Savior but I had not made him the Lord of my life. After three car wrecks, several run-ins with friends and family, even church members and my pastor, I was getting scared that I could never get truly born again. But to my surprise, my husband, my church family, and GOD never gave up on me. On November 28, after 5 weeks of meeting with a strong Christian woman from my church, studying what God says about addictions, I went to church that Wednesday night and pastor opened services a different way. He had us read Psalm 136, and as we read in unison at the end of each verse, “God’s mercy endureth forever,” God spoke to my heart loud and clear and said, “You better go to that alter, get on your knees, humble yourself before me and everyone here, get your sins under my Son’s blood, and lay it down and don’t pick it up and take it back to the pew like you been doing for over a year!! S o I did, and that night I fully gave my life to Jesus, thanked Him and accepted what He paid on Calvary as my sin payment so that I may be Holy and Righteous before God Almighty when Judgement day comes. I would like to thank you personally now for having this blog spot for people to read about a life God saved and now having the ability to use to reach others. God Bless you, your husband, and your children.