Hi my friends~
This is the day that the Lord has made ~ Let’s all rejoice and be glad in it! ๐
And this is also the day that the Lord has made for me to obey Him and take a short break from some social media. Honestly, I feel both ๐ and ๐ about this.
The Lord has been taking me through a series of “breaks” from all kinds of things in my life that I’ve occasionally wondered if I could live without. PS: I’ve learned that in fact, I can live without them – shocker!
It’s a long story – and after I’ve walked out these “breaks” and gained all of this incredible wisdom (haha) from them, I’ll spill the beans. But at this point, I’m not so sure exactly what God is doing through these breaks in my life. I just know that He is leading me to lay down some things and to do some weird things that I have never before wanted to do. It’s been an interesting 2013 so far. God’s call to me for this year was to be “Kingdom Minded” and these breaks are certainly changing my focus.
I feel as if an unknown seed has been planted in my heart. God’s daily instructions and my obedience to them will be its water and nourishment, and one of these days He will grow and blossom His planting of whatever it is. Because God is the Gardner, I am trusting with full assurance that when full grown, this work of His will be glorious.
Soโฆ I’m heading into my next break, which is break from “Social Media.” I’m already missing it and you. I’ll be absent from Facebook (boo hoo), Twitter (not so hard), Pinterest (gasp!), and (sniff sniff) Smelling Coffee and other blogs. I will slow down on texting, e-mail, and internet usage, and will not gather up for myself tons of free e-books and apps. (If you only knew how many of these I am hoarding, you would schedule an intervention or nominate me for the TV show. There should be a “Hoarders” for electronic junk and files! Seriously! I need help!)
How will I live? I guess I’ll live like I did 5 years ago and use the phone and my cook books again. (grin) But sadly, all of my wit and wisdom will have no where to go. (deepest sarcasm!) Poor James. He’ll be the recipient of all of my words since I won’t be speaking them to you. I know he’s thrilled. It will be a L.O.N.G. month for him. ๐
I’ll sign off today, Tuesday, Feb. 19th, and return on Tuesday, March 19th. This will be hard. But here’s why this is not killing me: In between those dates God and I will be doing something very exciting (to me, at least)โฆ
For years God has prompted me to write and collect thoughts, verses, and ideas pertaining to wives praying for our husbands. More than that, God has called me to do it. To pray for my man. And to watch and record how God has worked as I have prayed. I know you’ll be shocked to read this, but I’m not a perfect wife, and James is not a perfect husband. We don’t have a perfect marriage. But we do have a perfect God. As I’ve taken my own faults and my “improvement” ideas for James to the Lord, God has been ever so faithful to change both of us into what and who He wants. Which is always better than anything I can dream up for us. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
Soโฆ This month, I will be working on writing a new book called Falling: On Your Knees and More In-Love With Your Husband. For now I have a little free web page at www.Fallingonyourknees.com, lots of notes, ideas, high hopes, and tons of trepidation. I sure do covet your prayers, my friends! Would you join me and invest in this journey through your prayers? And later, I’ll be asking you for some participation too. ๐
Thank you.
You will stay on my mind and in my heart and prayers while I’m on my little break. I promise not to forget you. And I’m trusting God that you won’t forget me. (Or that if you do, I will be ok with that.) May you and I do as Jesus this next month, and increase in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man (from Luke 2).
With much love to each of you and gratitude always for being a part of my little corner of the world ~
I’ll see you next month…
PS: I will be popping on twice to finish the So Long Insecurity posts, in case you are doing the book study with us. One post this week & one next week. ๐