Something has been weighing heavily on my heart, and though I’d much rather keep it to myself, I sense the Lord wants me to share it because others may be going through the same thing. So here goes:
I didn’t realize until a few days ago that in the midst of a major election, Covid 19, racial unrest, and world-wide economic struggles, I have found myself processing what I hear on the news or podcasts and read in the media (if the views are opposite of mine) with frustration, a critical spirit, and a fear of the “what if’s?”
I have actually found myself thinking downright hateful things about people I don’t know.
Have you ever struggled with this?
It seems that many do, and are… probably even tonight as we watch the first of the presidential debates. Our nation is under such division!!!
After spending time with Jesus in confession and repentance, I asked Him to “be my Filter” through which I could process the news and views around me…the Filter through which I see, read, listen, and think about current events. As I was praying this, the song, “Be Thou My Vision” came to mind, and I began to write my prayer in the form of that beloved hymn. It’s the cry of my heart and has been an encouragement to me. I pray that the Lord will use it to encourage you, as well.
Be Thou My Filter
Be Thou My Filter, O Lord of my heart
When I look around me and become distraught.
Help me to trust You, by day or by night
and process the world around me through Your Light.
Be Thou My Filter when I hear the news,
when I read or listen to opposite views.
Not fearful or hateful, please fill me with love
to trust You with outcomes ordained from above.
Be Thou My Filter, My Peace, My True Word.
I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord.
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall.
Be my only Vision, O Ruler of All.
Jennifer Crawford Walker
May the Lord be the Filter through which each of us process the days ahead, and may you and I respond to whatever happens with His Wisdom, Love, and Grace.
For the glory of Jesus~