From my journal: Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Today blessedly marks the end of a four year, one month, and one week journey with the Lord. I know this will sound crazy to many, but in some unexplainable way, it is a bitter-sweet day for me. Not because I enjoy living in limbo, but because for the past four years, we have had no choice but to cling to the Lord for Every. Little. Thing. And we have found Him beyond Faithful. We’ve lived up under Him in the shadow of His wings out of necessity… both us, and our children. Because of great need, we’ve learned as a family that God is aware, present, and active, even when circumstances shout otherwise.
It’s not as if we will move on from today and have every possible physical need met, but it is as if we are at the edge of the wilderness, having been fed manna for the past four years, and it’s now time to go in and harvest some grapes for ourselves.
Today, as we officially close on our Nashville home, we also officially close this life-chapter, that for us, God has entitled, “Urged on by Faith.” Who knows… maybe one of these days, the Lord will turn it into a book. 😉
The strangest thing {although, it’s how this Wise God of ours works} is that in my quiet time and Bible study this morning, I was brought to Deuteronomy chapter 8, the very instructions of God to the wilderness-wandering Israelites as they were at the end of their 40 years and about to put their feet on promised land. I’ve always loved this chapter, but maybe never as much as I do today.
“And you shall earnestly remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your mind and heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not.
And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna…that He might make you recognize and personally know that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord….
When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for all the good land which He has given you.
Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His precepts, and His statutes which I command you today, lest when you have eaten and are full, and have built goodly houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all you have is multiplied, then your minds and hearts be lifted up and you forget the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, Who led you through… who fed you… that He might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end.”
from Deuteronomy 8
Do you see why I love this chapter so? What a warning to all of us who cling closely to the Lord from the midst of a trial! Because once the particular trial is over, and we can again walk on our own, it is such a temptation to do it that way. To walk “on our own” – without continuing to depend upon the Lord. Oh, Jesus, may it never be so!
For this family, my prayer is that we will always remember the beautiful and miraculous ways the Lord our God carried us these past four years; that the lessons learned in the wilderness will be practiced in the promised land; and that we would remain desperately clinging to the Lord by choice, and not only in times of necessity.
I would be a fool to believe that this is the last wilderness wandering we will encounter, but for now, we rejoice that the Lord has delivered us fully into this promised land, and we will gratefully eat its fruit. (Joshua 5:10-12)
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank so many of you for your prayers and for being agents of the Lord’s compassion, encouragement, provision, hope, and joy. In the days to come, when we look back on this journey, we will remember the Lord, His manna, and His servants.
“For I will proclaim the name and presence of the Lord. Concede and ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock. His work is perfect, for all His ways are law and justice. A God of faithfulness without breach or deviation, just and right is He.” Deuteronomy 32:3-4
Yesterday when I could read “The End” on my link, but could not reach your site, I thought it might mean the end of the site. I missed you. What you’ve shared of God’s love has been an inspiration for me. I am so glad that my conclusion jumping was an error. The “book” is here. I pray you compile and share for others. Thanks!
Oh, thank you for your concern. I’m also glad that your conclusion was wrong. 😉 Thank you for your prayers and your sweet encouragement. Your comments bless me.