It’s about uprooting FEAR. I have battled fear all of my life, and by God’s grace, fear is losing its grip on me! It’s a day by day, moment by moment kind of thing, though. So if you can relate at all to battling the entangling enemy of fear, may the Lord use this from my inbox this morning to help you uproot it!
Fear, which is an enemy a spirit…. will try to come back at any time of the day or night. Cast fear out with the WORD OF GOD! Declare out loud the Word of God daily over you and your family.
In the Name of Jesus, I declare that God did not give me a spirit (demon) of timidity of fear, terror, panic or anxiety…but He has given me a spirit of power and love and of a calm and well balanced, sound, disciplined and self-controlled mind.
I declare that I am established in righteousness…rightness, in conformity with God’s will and order. I am far from even the thought of oppression or destruction, for I shall not fear, and terror shall not come near me in Jesus’ Name.
I declare that the Lord is on my side. I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side and takes my part and defends me. Therefore shall I see Your desire established upon my enemies who hate me. If God is for me, who can be against me? Who can be my foe if God is on my side?
I take comfort and am encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper and defender, I will not be seized with alarm …I will not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me?
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life…of whom shall I be afraid? Even though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Though war arise against me, even then, in this will I be confident in my God.
Father, I thank You that I have been delivered from the powers of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Your own dear Son Jesus. I thank You Father that Your perfect Love casts out all fear and torment. I choose to think on and fix my mind upon those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and deserving of praise. My mind stayed on You, Lord.
I cast down every lying, deceptive thought and imagination, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of You, Lord in the name of Jesus. I bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
I resist all fear in the Name of Jesus Christ. I hold the power of the Blood of Jesus against all fear and every lie of Satan and I declare that the Blood of Jesus has driven you out of my life and that the Blood of Jesus totally obliterates you from my mind and body in the name of Jesus Christ!
FEAR! You bow to the Name of Jesus! You are a defeated foe! YOU HAVE NO MORE DOMINION OVER ME. I AM FREE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
I am rooted and grounded securely in God’s love in the mighty Name of Jesus! God’s perfect love drives out all fear in Jesus Name.
Pass this on and also keep a copy of it in your Bible.
Anonymous says
Thanks for this post!
Nancy in NC
Kristen says
Thank you for posting this friend!
FEAR! You bow to the Name of Jesus! You are a defeated foe! YOU HAVE NO MORE DOMINION OVER ME. I AM FREE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
Jill says
Thanks — I needed that today! Fear is something that I too struggle with on a regular basis, and sometimes I forget to claim God's power over it.