Where in the world has this week gone??? I never intended to take a “Coffee” break this week~ I even had several posts written in my mind…but each day, I just didn’t get to everything on my list. Ever had a week like that? Nothing bad… just busy… like most everyone. 🙂
You have been so wonderful to pray for us and encourage us about our our Job situation, so today, I wanted to share a little about what God is doing right now in our lives.
We have no job yet, but we’ve been blessed to have some interviews with some amazing churches. My husband is a Minister of Education/Administration. Nine years ago, The Lord called us out of church ministry to work at Lifeway – and now He is calling us back into church ministry.
The amazing thing about how God has worked in our hearts through this transition is that eight months ago, my husband started feeling that “pull” toward going back into church ministry. James never said anything to me about that, but had been praying about it and asking for clarity for several months. Then his job at Lifeway was deleted. How’s that for clarity? 🙂
When I was a young teenager, The Lord called me to be a minister’s wife. I didn’t understand a lot about it at the time – only that I had this desire to marry a man in the ministry and serve the Lord alongside him. Honestly, it was a hard transition for me when James went to work at Lifeway. It took me a while to “enjoy” our new place in the world. Then, I grew to LOVE it! Every once in a while, I would miss being a minister’s wife, but on a whole, I was blessedly content.
The day before the job deletion, I was painting our fireplace when I “heard” or “felt” the Lord speak to my heart: “You’re going to be a minister’s wife again.” Like an air-head, I just said something like, “OK”, and kept painting – never giving it another thought. Amazingly, within 15 hours, James no longer had a job, we knew we would go back into church ministry, and I would be a minister’s wife again. Looking back, we see how God was so good to prepare us ahead of time!
At this point, we’re just waiting on God to show us where He wants us to join Him in His work. We feel a little like Abraham in Genesis 12:1 – where God calls Abraham to leave his home and go to a place where God would show him. We have desperately hoped that we could stay where we are, but the Lord has made it clear that we will be leaving this area. Henry Blackaby says, “You can’t stay where you are and go with God.” I guess this is literally true for our family.
So… yesterday, I called a realtor. Bless her heart – I didn’t even get one sentence out without crying! As much as we know that God is in the midst of this process, and that He is working something wonderful and glory-bringing for Himself through us, I am still woman… hear me cry!
One of these days, when we are settled into our new place, I know we will thank God for this period of waiting on Him because we will be enjoying the results of the wait. But for now, we are choosing to trust and thank God because He is holding us and guiding us day by day.
May something similar to Hebrews 11:8 be the testimony of our family: “[Urged on] by faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go.” (emphasis, mine)
I’m working really hard on the “not trouble his mind about where he was to go” part. 🙂
How about you? How is your journey with God going? I’m praying for you right now, and asking God to encourage you and strengthen you and urge you on by faith.
ttyl, friends…Much love to each of you…Jennifer
LisaShaw says
Two words that I kept hearing in my spirit as I read your words: PREPARATION and PURPOSE.
WOW! Powerful. GOD has a master plan and He is the Master of it. His plan didn't just begin now but before the beginning of time for you and your husband and children.
I'm excited because I have HUGE expectation in what GOD is going to do….
I love you.
Jennifer says
It will be so exciting to see where – and how – God leads in the days and weeks ahead! Any journey with Him is surely an adventure…praying that all of you will "embrace" it!! Have a wonderful weekend!
Carolina Mama says
Oh Honey, Congratulations! How very exciting! I am happy for you all! Praying for you in this particular season! You're a blessing!
Southern Belle says
I can relate to your post as we too are in the process of moving. You and your family will be in my prayers. Moving isn't easy, but knowing that the Lord is walking before me sure has made this process easier and I pray for you too! Blessings,
Christine = )
elaine @ peace for the journey says
Faith moves forward…
I'll be speaking about that next weekend at a retreat. You've added more confirmation here than you know.
Blessings as you look foward to your "down the road" and God's promise of some "sure and certain" as you go.
Lisa V. says
Yeah I love that…”joining HIM in His work”. I’ve prayed that more often lately. Change is so scary but how refreshing to hear that you are following His direction. How delightful that you heard Him speak to you about it. It’s stories like this that give me encouragement and hope in my personal journey. I anticipate that my husband and I will need to sell our house very soon. But we have no idea where we will go from here with our 3 yo son. I sure would appreciate if you wouldn’t mind praying that God would open our ears and listen for His direction in this area. Thanks and God bless you.
Kim@Seasons of My Heart says
What an exciting journey you are on Jennifer!!! WOW..I LOVE it..when God speaks to our hearts….and then…we see things being walked out.
Know that you walk this 'faith' journey, I'm praying that God aligns your heart with his, so that every twist and turn in the road, you see his handprint, and follow…with an open heart.
God orders our steps….and he's ordering yours.
Love ya,
Gwynie Pie says
When my husband was called to go to seminary (SWBTS) waaaay back in '83, the only thing he knew was that God wanted him to go. We knew so little about it all, and were walking so far out of His will (until He jerked us up and moved us to Ft. Worth to school)that all my husband knew to do was "be a preacher". Well, that is NOT his gift, as he found out after a couple semesters. When he switched over to the Religious Ed school, it all fell into place. He is gifted as a teacher and as an administrator. After being on church staff for several years, we had a very, very bad experience and suddenly he was NOT on staff anymore, but was a chaplain for a wonderful hospice. Wonderful job, wonderful people, fantastic ministry — he has such a heart for people– so up until 3 wks ago that's where he has been for the last 8 yrs. I struggled sooooo much with not being a "staff" wife…what's the deal there, anyway? 🙂 That was kind of MY identity…pitiful, I know it. The LORD has done a work in me over these past 8 yrs. as well (a whole 'other story). Out of the blue clear sky, he gets an offer to come be church administrator for a large First Methodist church. It is not a "ministry" position, so he is not required to attend there. Thank goodness. Cause quite honestly, that would've been a dealbreaker. 🙂 But already he has had some wonderful doors of real ministry open for him and he is having opportunities he would not have otherwise. It's a very good thing! In the meantime, the LORD has used me in areas in our own church ministering to young women, which is an area I just love. So…. there you have our little life's journey saga, in a very small nutshell.
I am continuing to pray for you and your family knowing the LORD has something so perfect for your husband. And when it happens, in His timing, everything will just "fall into place". I love that about the LORD! Thanks for the wonderful encouraging words you always!!! have for us readers. Love it! Blessings on your day,
Gwynie Pie
The Pink Tractor
Debbie says
Your post gives me hope Jennifer. I can't wait to hear more about what God has in store for you and your family. Please keep us posted.
Love you,
Carol says
While I was reading your post a wonderful old hymn by B.B. McKinney came to mind,
"Wherever He Leads I'll Go".
"Take up thy cross and follow Me," I heard my Master say;
"I gave My life to ransom thee, Surrender your all today."
Wherever He leads I'll go, Wherever He lead I'll go.
I'll follow my Christ sho loves me so, Wherever He leads I'll go.
Blessings for a wonderful day,
Smelling Coffee says
Yes, Kay~ It is truly amazing. I'm so thankful that He prepared us – even when we didn't know He was doing it. He is so wonderful and I love Him so much! 🙂
Kay says
Isn't it amazing how He has led he way for you and prepared your hearts?! I'll be praying for y'all. : )