For two days now our country has grieved and tried to process the bombings in Boston. Lives were senselessly lost and untold numbers of lives were drastically changed. Emotions are high – and rightly so, while investigators scramble to put the literal pieces of this tragedy together. Once again our country has been shaken, doubts and fears awakened. It doesn’t make sense. Tragedy never does.
The question on many hearts today is the same that has been asked for centuries. When unexpected and unexplained tragedy strikes a person, a family, a nation, this question always arises:
Where was / is God?
Books have been written on the subject answering this questions well. But when a person is overwhelmed with sorrow and confusion (and anger and questions and emotions) there is really just one answer to give. Though we may not have answers to any of our other questions, there is One thing that we can know to be true about God – FOR SURE and FOR EVER.
Where was God when those bombs went off in Boston? Where was God when a baby dies of SIDS? Where was God when a drunk driver-caused wreck claims the life of a Daddy? Where was God when the death-diagnosis is given? Where was God when the unimaginable happens? Where was God when __________?
This is where:
He was right there. Present. Holding on to the hurting. Holding on to YOU.
Fear is a battle that many of us will fight in the coming days – those who were in Boston, and even for those thousands of miles away. Fear and terrorism bring on the “what if that happened to me or someone I love?” questions. Fear of the “what ifs” and the unknown can grip and choke the life out of us, and when we let that happen, we let the enemy win.
My words are inadequate about the Boston bombing. I can’t pretend to understand what those of you who were physically affected by this horrible act must be thinking or experiencing. How I am praying so often for you. I don’t know anything else to say except this one Truth:
…for He [God] Himself has said,
“I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake, nor let you down (relax my hold on you)! Assuredly not!”
So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say,
The Lord is My Helper;
I will not be seized with alarm.
I will not fear or dread or be terrified.
What can man do to me?
Hebrews 13:5b-6 (Amplified)
Though at times it may feel like we are alone in the dark of our grief, we have God’s assurance of His presence. He will not, He will not, He will not leave us helpless, nor forsake us, nor let go of us! Assuredly not!
Where was God during the Boston bombings? He was right there holding hands and hearts, and guiding minds and feet to respond to the explosions. He was there in the thousands who watched and cried and prayed and helped and loved. He was there. He promised that He would be.
The Lord is Our Helper.
We need not be seized with alarm.
We need not fear or dread or be terrified of what man can do to us.
Because God Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, has promised to never let go of us. And He is Truth, and True to His Word.
When we can’t figure anything else out… there is one thing we can know for sure: God is present and will never leave us without help and support.
Reach out to Him from the dark and cling to Him. He won’t let go of you.
Cara says
Hi Jennifer, what an amazing post! I am going to put your link on my blog, as your post says everything I was trying to. Bless you!
jennifercrawfordwalker says
Hi Cara. Thank you for sharing. This is what The Lord gave me & I thank you for passing it along. 🙂