It’s the funniest thing… Almost everywhere I go these days, people tell me that I look like Sarah Palin. At the ballgame last weekend, the people in the stands behind me had a discussion about it. When I went into my daughter’s school last week, children were stopping me in the hall and saying, “Wow! You look like Sarah Palin.” Sometimes people will yell, “Hey Sarah”, and I just smile and wave. It’s been fun, because I respect and admire her, and am glad to be told that I resemble her in some way.
That’s why on Friday night, I went to our church’s Trunk of Treats dressed as Sarah Palin. (I was in good company in our country on Halloween night – reports say that more people were dressed as Sarah than any other person.) Frappuccino Fun Amy decorated her van in an Americana style with a big sign saying, “God Bless America”, and I stood there as Sarah and smiled and waved at people. It was fun!
Do you see the resemblance? (It’s ok if you don’t… my mother doesn’t see it either.) 🙂
Speaking of Sarah Palin, this will be a big week for our country. I’m almost at a loss of words to say – except that we must PRAY! We must get on our faces before God and ask for His mercy on our country – and on us as individuals. And, we must vote.
I’ll be honest. I wasn’t a big McCain supporter in the primaries. In fact, I wasn’t happy about voting for him until I saw his interview with Rick Warren, and how quickly and clearly he answered questions that were the most important to me. Then when Sarah Palin was added to the ticket, it was icing on the cake! I am praying that the Lord will put them in the White House and direct them to straighten some things out. I’m also asking God to do a mighty work in our country and turn our hearts back to Him. However, these two things may not be able to be achieved at the same time.
Whatever the results of the election are, we can be sure of one thing: GOD IS STILL ON HIS THRONE. He is still faithful, and He will still take care of those that belong to Him.
One passage that keeps coming to my mind when I think about our future is Matthew 10:29-31. Here’s the Message Bible’s version of it: “What’s the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! So don’t be intimidated by all this bully talk. You’re worth more than a million canaries.”
How thankful I am that this is true! God’s main desire for all of us – our entire country included – is that we know Him intimately and that we have a deep love relationship with Him. This is His best for every single one of us. We may walk through some difficult days ahead, but we can rest assured that “He will not leave us nor forsake us. Assuredly not!” (Heb. 13:5) Jesus said, “…Behold, I am with you all the days (perpetually, uniformly, and on every occasion), to the very close and consumation of the age.” (Mt. 28:20, Amp.)
We can trust Him. He is worthy of our trust. No matter what happens this week, we will meet Him on our feet, on our knees, and on our faces, and He will carry us through.
“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3
PS: Edited to add a wonderful Biblical perspective from Jackie at Empty Nest Full Life. Check it out. 🙂