My friend has written a book on how to have more energy, and I’m giving one to you! That’s right! And in honor of her release of this quick to read and full of God’s solution to her for more energy in her life e-book, I’ve written a little song… a little diddy, if you will. {It’s sung to the tune of “Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone”}
Oh where, oh where can it be?
Haha. Ever wonder where your energy has gone? Me too. To know if this book is for you or not, answer this simple question with a yes or no:
Do you need more energy?
(Honestly, I only know of a few people over 35 who could answer that question with a “no”.) So for the rest of us – if we need more energy, then we need this book. 😉
My friend writes a wonderful blog called Arabah – a showcase for His glory and writes under the anonymous name of Arabah Joy. {But don’t be alarmed. I know her in real life, and she is a real and wonderful person. Arabah is associated with a blooming desert because of the breath of God over it – Isaiah 35:1-2.} Arabah Joy’s writing is deeply insightful and intensely honest. She can be, because she writes anonymously and doesn’t have to tip-toe around subjects that God has breathed on her heart. Her blog is a blessing to all who read it.
About the book:
This is what Arabah Joy shared on her blog the other day~
I’ve already begun implementing the strategies she shares and can tell a difference. Honestly – I can – and they are so simple and practical that they don’t steal any “extra” time that steals our energy. If you want more energy in your life, Check out the Energy Explosion info site (where you can buy the e-book – all forms – Kindle, Nook, ePub) and, join/like the Energy Explosion Facebook page (where you can participate in her 7 day challenge and find daily encouragement in getting back your lost energy).
You will thank me later for this. You’re welcome. 😉
To win the one I’m giving away, just leave me a comment answering this question:
What is the one thing that most zaps your energy?
I’ll announce a winner on Thursday. And if you’re reading this by e-mail, click here and go to the bottom of the blog post to leave the comment. 🙂
Blessings to you this week, my friends! May we soon all be singing this new little diddy:
I’m now full of en-er-gy!