I guess you sisters up north are probably ready to see Spring… but around middle Tennessee, when we get a real snow, it’s cause for celebration! We haven’t had a big snow like this since January 2003, and it was a doozy. Thankfully, this time we had a few days’ warning. School was cancelled, grocery stores were packed, and we all prepared for a few days of R&R at home with the family.
It’s been wonderful! We’ve played games, watched movies, stayed in our jammies, and played in the snow. Like most families, we’ve got our pile of wet coats, pants, boots, gloves, and scarves drying by our back door. Today Facebook was full of local snow pictures. And since Smelling Coffee is my virtual scrapbook, here are a few of ours.
I never see a full covering of snow that I don’t think about what Jesus does to our sins when He washes them as white as snow. No twigs or grass blades remaining… He covers them all, and we, like the snow in our front yard, are blindingly white and pure.
“Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” Isaiah 1:18
Thanking Jesus for his covering, and praying His blessings on each of you this Lord’s day, and hoping to play in the snow one more time before it melts…
*Edited to add photos from today~ We were much more successful today at making snowmen!!!
Before we knew we could actually build a real one, we took the top layer of snow and built a “block snowman”. It worked well enough…
OK, this is TOOO cute! How many days did you guys have off of school? Great pictures. And, yes us in the midwest are READY FOR SPRING!!!!
You and your family certainly get an "A" for creativity!! I LOVE it!
What a great day to make wonderful family memories. 🙂
Loved this post! What great memories these will be. I've never seen such creative snowpeople! Definitely a sweet and special family day. = )
Hi precious sister, I smiled through every photo. Enjoy your family time and the LORD. GOD has everything under control. He knows your needs…keep trusting HIM. He loves you and your family.
Thank you for your encouragement and love on my blog and Email. You are a beautiful sister in Christ and a trusted friend. I am blessed to be able to call you both. I hope you view me the same.
I am praying for the chance to meet you in person and hug you. Thank you also for your prayers all this time for K. GOD is moving in great ways.
I love you. My prayers go up for you and your family.
Hi Jennifer, I live about 50 miles SE of you in Woodbury (south of Murfreesboro) anyway, enjoy your blog and thinks it's so cute that we have the same pictures on my blog, right down to the snow angel! Guess we all think alike in the snow : ) Blessings, Beth Ann
Love your snowmen… all of your snowmen. Love the sign to buy the house too. Very clever. Such beautiful weather.. so glad you've been able to enjoy it! : )