Hi ladies~ It’s not too late to read (or re-read) Beth Moore’s book, So Long Insecurity with us. Our class at FBC Cleveland started this past Sunday night and if you are in the Cleveland area, we’d love for you to pop in and join us. {We have a few books left.} If you are not local, you can join us here because I’ll be posting from our Sunday night class on the blog.
We started our discussion with naming some things that tie up women in insecurity. What would you have said?
- Outward appearance
- Skills
- Family – husbands, children
- Homes
- Posessions
- Achievements
- And the list goes on and on
Comparison seems to be the key. In fact, it was when I read this book several years ago that I learned something so important that I’ve shared it almost every time I get a chance. I know I’ve shared it here a few times, but it bears repeating:
Comparison NEVER produces anything good. NEVER. If we compare ourselves and/or what we are/have with someone else, and we end up deciding we are/have the better of the two, we will have a wrongly inflated view of ourselves. If we end up the lesser of the two, we will have a wrongly deflated view of ourselves. We will either be filled with pride or with self-loathing. Comparison NEVER works. The only One and Thing to which aw are to compare ourselves is Jesus Christ and what His Word says about us. Any other comparison leaves us falsely defined.
Then we took our books and wrote a letter to Jesus on the front cover. (We are keeping our books between ourselves and the Lord – as in we are hiding them from everyone else in our homes!) In this letter we wrote three things. 1) We described the present season of our lives. 2) Described what made us pick up the book in the first place. 3) Listed what we are praying to gain from these next six weeks in this book.
If you are reading the book with us, why don’t you stop and do this right now?
We shared a few of our own insecurities and how we pray to change over the next six weeks. We laughed a lot – at our selves – and declared that in the name of Jesus, we would be much more secure women on the other side of this study.
Because so much of our insecurities lie within our appearances, before the class ended I gave everyone a sticky note and asked them to write at least 5 things about themselves that they love. This was a harder task than it seemed. I then challenged them to list something about their bodies from neck up that they loved. Then from the neck to hips. Then from legs and feet. They are to keep this list in their books and use it as a book mark, and ADD to it whenever they discover something else about themselves for which they can gratefully love.
It’s so easy to think of things that we don’t like about ourselves… and we worry that liking something about ourselves is being prideful. But being so critical of ourselves and not appreciating the good things God has given us… That dishonors our Creator.
In the end, we decided that we need to decorate and celebrate what we have, and learn to be grateful for the good things God has placed within us – even if right now we can name only “superficial” things like good hair or pretty nails. I know that eventually those lists will be full- because I’m praying that each lady who goes through this study will learn to receive her security from Christ – and from no where else. And Jesus Christ knows and loves the intimate details of each of us. We are beautiful to Him, in Him, and through Him.
Start your list today. Even if you aren’t reading the book with us, I encourage you to get alone with Jesus for a few minutes, and let Him love on you as you list out some good things about yourself. Ask Him what you are to celebrate about yourself, and gratefully acknowledge that whatever it is that is good – all comes from God! He loves you so, my friends!
Your assignment for the week? Read chapters 1-3. Highlight what speaks to you. Write notes in your book. Pray through it with Jesus. And let Him start to replace your human-based insecurity with His overwhelming love. Look for your security in Him this week as you process the information in these chapters.
Next Tuesday, I’ll post our discussion questions from weeks 1-3 and I hope you’ll join in and share what God is doing in you as you read. 🙂
Now… I’d love to hear from you. What five things do you love about yourself? Don’t worry about sounding superficial or prideful. Don’t compare yourself to others. What about YOU? Share your comments below. I’ll start and leave the first comment. 🙂
May the Lord be glorified through each of us as we learn to receive our security in Him!
“So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures.” James 1:16-18 (MSG)
This is very interesting Jennifer! Only this past Saturday, a dear blogging friend and I met for coffee. She’s a photographer. I commented about how I love to take photos but do not like to be photographed. She told me I need to find something I like about the way I look. With her, it’s her eyes. I took her photo and her eyes stood out. I sent her the photo and now she uses it as her profile photo on Facebook. I was amazed as I’m not a professional photographer. Now I need to consider what I like about me. 🙂
I love:
1. That I’m always striving to learn; I’m a life long learner.
2. That I feel the love of Jesus within me
3. That He gives me a heart for others
4. That I truly love children.
5. I like my eyes!
Friend, you’ve given me much to think about. And btw, I am in that same Facebook group with Kim as I’m trying to lose some weight. That’s what a few years of stress will do.
Blessings and love,
Debbie ~ I love all of those things about you, and am so glad that you are learning to love them too. 🙂 I hope to post about Kim’s blog next week. I’ve read all of your posts on it by e-mail and just haven’t taken the time to hop over and comment. I enjoy what you have to say – especially yesterday. Hoping to stop by today. Love you, girl!
Jennifer, I LOVE that you are also sharing this on your blog!!!! I am so going to follow along. I started to rattle off my 5 things, but realize I need some time to think that through. It is harder than you’d think. Comparison is something I believe every woman has to seek strength from God to shut down. I’m going to spend time on this today. Hugs and Love to you my Friend!!!
My five things I like about myself:
1. My hair & how God does it & uses it
2. My ability to laugh at myself
3. My creative imagination
4. My ankles
5. (Hmmm…… Thinking…………..) My strength & ability to wrap my arms around those I love.
How’s that? Now it’s your turn. Lets gratefully celebrate some good things God has placed within you! 🙂