Yesterday, our family entered a new and unexpected “walk of faith”. I’ve been praying for many of you who are already on this journey, and now my family joins you. As of July 15, my husband’s position at Lifeway will be deleted, and he will be out of a job. I can hardly believe what I just typed.
Although I’m in shock right now and have cried so much that my eyes are swollen, I can see bits and pieces of how the Lord was preparing us for this and setting us up to be ready for this next step of our walks with Him. Some of the obvious ones are:
~Without my understanding of what the Lord was doing, He called me to step down from being the Teaching Director of our local community Bible Study.
~My responsibilities with Praying Parents ended at the end of this past school year when Abigail moved to middle school.
~The Lord led us to repaint our house and start getting it ready to sell. We thought we were doing this so that in a year or so, we could move to a home with an apartment in it where my mom could come and live with us. Maybe we were, and maybe we will need to sell it now.
~I’ve been doing Jennifer Rothschild’s study “Walking by Faith”, and have been soaking up every word of that incredible study. I’ve taken thorough notes from the daily lessons – which came in really handy yesterday, btw – and The Lord will use those truths to guide me/us as we walk ahead.
~And lots of other little things or little “thoughts” that the Lord has zipped through my heart and mind lately… all of which didn’t make sense until yesterday.
Just this past Wednesday night, I was looking around our house with those clean, smooth, freshly painted empty walls and I realized that I don’t have a decorating “point of view” anymore. I know what I like, but have been trying to find a balance between what I like, what I have, and the need to stay on the “neutral” side of décor so that the house will be easy to stage to sell. I’ve been praying about it, and as of yet, have had no general direction. I’ve only had specific direction for the next step of what needs to be done.
As I was pondering all of this on Wednesday, I told my husband that the walls in our house represent how I feel about my life right now. With the closure of so many things, I’m open and ready for all kinds of possibilities, but as of yet, don’t have any direction except for the next present step. I had no idea how very true that statement would turn out to be. Just two days later, all four of the Walkers find ourselves just like these walls… Ready for something – but not sure just what that is.
What I am sure of is that this is now the time in our lives where the rubber meets the road. It’s the time for us to flesh out what we study and believe and speak of on a daily basis. It’s where our faith in God as our Provider and Leader will be put in action.
At this point, we have no idea what we will do or where we will go. But we do know that the Lord is well aware of our situation, prepared us beforehand, has plans for our good and His glory, that He will lead us and provide for us as we obey Him keep our (tear-swollen) eyes fixed on Him.
We’re starting a family journal about this journey – where each one of us can write what we’ve seen the Lord do as we wait upon and trust in Him. You may be sick of hearing about this journey by the time it’s done… but we’re going to be Smelling a lot of Coffee around here – seeking the “aroma of the knowledge of Christ in every place”. We sure would appreciate your prayers as the Lord brings us to your minds.
I look up to the mountains—
does my help come from there?
My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble;
the one who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, he who watches over Israel
never slumbers or sleeps.
The LORD himself watches over you!
The LORD stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon at night.
The LORD keeps you from all harm
and watches over your life.
The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.
Psalm 121 (NLT)
God’s timing is perfect, and we’re so thankful that this is the cup God has chosen for us. This is just the loss of a job – not the loss of a loved one.
I pray for every one of you that read Smelling Coffee, and I realize that many of you are on this same “faith walk” with us. Let’s pray for each other… because one of these days, we’ll all have incredible testimonies of what God has done and is doing in and through these situations.
Thank you, friends… May the Lord keep watch over you as you come and go, and wait upon Him, too.
Oh, sweet one I am praying for you today too. Thank you for your sweet comments and your prayers for Rachel. I am so glad the Lord is in charge of it all….He is our hope and our strength, isn't He, and none of this has slipped past His sight.
I am so sorry to hear of this news. It just seems it is all too frequent around us. I love your perspective on the whole situation and that you have eyes wide open for God's provision in this process. The wheel cover story was amazing. 🙂
Blessings, friend!
Praying dear friend.
We've walked with our close friends through a very similar situation and have watched and prayed as God provided through the difficult days… and He will for you too, just as He promises. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.
With much love,
I have to tell you that I understand your situation. We had to put our house up for sale in a terrible real estate market. I never thought I'd ever leave my dream home. But you do what you have to do. I do not know where we'll be in the next few months or years. It is a journey of faith. I know what you mean about Jennifer Rothschild study. I've done it too. When I think of how she must navigate through life with blindness, I sometimes feel ashamed of what worries and concerns me. I will pray for you. I think each trial we go through teaches us so much about trusting God. May we both learn as we go along this faith journey of life. I'm sending a big hug to you.
Last night, I sat with a group of thirty women and led them in a time of reflection regarding the life of Moses and his "walkabout" in faith. Hebrews 11:1-2 talks about the "sure and certain" of a faith journey. As never before, we are living in times that call for the "sure and certain" of our faith. Without it, we walk hopeless and void of promise.
I will add your family to my prayer list and be faithful to pray for you all as God brings you to mind. So many have walked and are walking in your footsteps. Perhaps a re-visit to the Hebrews 11 might buoy your steps for the road ahead.
PS: Thanks so much for stopping by the blog; you are always welcome there.
We have also had the "job" rug pulled out from under us a couple of times since February. 1/2 pay then full pay for a month and back to 1/2 pay again.
We have had to make major decisions b/c of such a drastic pay cut but are still blessed to have a job.
Change seems to be the theme for the year in more ways than political.
God is definitely up to something and His people are to hold on tight, pray, praise and listen to the voice of the Spirit through it all!
I'm praying for your family now.
What a blessing your blog has been to me! I first heard of it from Nesting in Pleasant View. I will be praying for your family during this time…God is faithful–always!
Wow! We have been where you are two times. Each time the Lord prepared us in advance.We had been sensing change was on the horizon for my husbands job. One morning my husband walked out the door and simply said, "Pray that my response will be what it needs to be today." There was absolutely no indication as to what was about to happen. When he got to work and tried to log on to his computer, he was unable to do so, and then one of the area managers arrived to tell him that his job was cut, as the first major layoff ever his company was to have. I cried, he cried, but God was good knowing all along what the next step would be. He worked for another Co for a while then was offered a job closer to home w/ less travel and he took that. Several years later that job would end because of issues of integrity for my husband. God also honored that. My daughter was very sick at the time, 1st yr of college, and no job, but I look back and know that all decisions that we had made financially prepared us for this. Again only God could do such amazing things because we had no idea. When I think back there could have been a lot of bitterness because of circumstances but I have chosen to be forgiving, and I can say that only God could do that through me. This year we had a circumstance not of job loss but something else, and I have had to choose to let go of it and trust that God's provision is what I need to depend on and HE has shown Himself faithful! My prayers are with you, and I would like to cry with you some, but keep trusting that God does have a plan, and I know that you know that. Looking with anticipation to see what HE is going to do. Love and Prayers. Jackie
Yes…all of us are on a faith walk – and all we are asked to do is that the next step. Rarely do we see too far down the path but God gives us the light to take the few steps in front of us. Your heart of faith is evident in your post and it is exciting to see what God does have in store for your family. So glad you have decided to journal – and to share His amazing journey for you with us!! 🙂
Your posts are such a blessing!!
I know how you are feeling, Jennifer. My husband's job became a casualty of this downward spiraling economy back in February. We were extremely fortunate and blessed for him to be out of work only 7 days, but the position he has is not as lucrative as what we had grown accustomed to over the past several years. So we are learning new lessons in what is really important in life, too! But I look at this time with a lot of excitement because I am really curious about what God has in store for us down the road. We are continuing to keep our hope in Him and not in the paycheck that may, or may not, be coming each month. I pray that you will be filled with the hope and excitement that this season of your life can bring, and not the sadness and disappointment that such an event can cause us weak earthlings to face. You will make it and be stronger because of this journey.
Tanya Raney
Bless your sweet and loving heart~Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. God bless,Rose
Oh Beth….I used to repeat Psalm 121 day after day when we were going through one of the biggest challenges in our lives 3 years ago. Please know that you, your husband and children are in my thoughts and prayers.
There is a better plan, God is faithful and so able. He is our provider. Your faith always encourages me. Blessings and peace to you this weekend!
Friend….I'm on my knees…praying that God will make a way…where there seems to be NO way!!
Bless your sweet heart that in the midst of all of this…your eyes, are focused on him.
Gripping the hem of his garment…a little tighter…on your behalf,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy in NC
Your faith and your attitude about all this are such a testimony! I will pray for God's clear guidance for you and your family.
Your perspective is a God Send! He will sustain you and continue to lead you all. Love and prayers.
Your perspective is a blessing because in the midst of the storm your tear swollen eyes are fixed where they should be. My prayers are with you and your family as you are walking the road you did not know was coming.
I am praying for you! You have prayed for me and God is still sustaining us 🙂 My husband and I are still working towards full-time missions in a closed country and we still aren't there yet even after being called over 4 years ago and spending the last 3 of them in preparation for that move. And the last 1 1/2 yrs in support raising and we still don't know where God will provide the remaining money from. And recently my husband was laid off – his job ends next Tuesday and we'll be completely on a faith walk. But like you, we've seen little signs and prayers answered all along the way and are trusting through tears and even joy that He'll make a way. We put our house on the market last fall in preparation – thinking we'd be moving overseas within 6 months. But it hasn't happened yet. Although amazingly, our house sold in just 5 weeks for our full asking price. Enough to get us totally out of debt! And we've had lots of ups and downs since then that have shown us that God is still pursuing us and that He wants us pursuing Him daily. Every time we think we've done something and get on a high and slowly try to walk on our own, we get pulled back down, humbled and reminded that we need to keep our eyes on Him. And He has continued to offer grace and good gifts. We still don't know what is around the corner or when our support budget will be complete or how. But we are so much more content in this unknown condition knowing we are following His guidance than in continuing to try to live the "American dream" on our own and trying to provide for ourselves and our own comfort zone. So, I look forward to hearing what God has in mind for you too around the corner! I pray He blesses you all through this journey.
Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear of your situation. We have been traveling that road for the past 3 months along with some other challenges; some days are HARD and some days I am grateful for the time our family has together right now. I sometimes feel exactly like you described the four walls–what now, where, how,when. But God has been faithful to give us (and me personally) encouragement just when we need it; and I know He will not leave us. All of the verses He has given me so far start with "Trust in the Lord…" Isn't that just like Him to be consistent in what He wants to say to us! We will pray for you!!!
I am so sorry to hear of your husband's job loss…praying you find direction and new beginnings.
sandy toe