First of all~ You are awesome! Dare I say it??? You ROCK! You blew me away with the honest responses you gave to my “informal research” question. Thank you SO much!
It seems that the overwhelming struggle for most of us in having our Quiet Times is the actual Time to do it and Focus/Distractions. It also seems that we are all TIRED! A men to that! I don’t know what the solution is – but I do know that if I’m going to get up with the Lord in the morning, I have to make plans for it the night before. Just like I would plan a special time with my husband, or my dear friend, I must make plans to spend with my dear Jesus. I hope we can continue this discussion sometime in the future. Your input is so valuable to me, and I thank you for sharing your hearts and your struggles. If you’d like to comment and didn’t, please do so… I’ll take any help at any time! đ
Now, on to Wednesday’s Word of the Day…. Actually, it’s a song, which was written by a good friend of our family’s. “You’re Gonna Miss This” was written by Lee Miller and recorded by Trace Adkins earlier this year. You may remember it from “The Apprentice” finale. It was one of 5 or 6 songs nominated for this year’s CMA Song of the Year, and Single of the Year .
But the reason “You’re Gonna Miss This” is the WOTD is because of the message in the lyrics. The first time I heard the song, I bawled like a baby! Both children were already asleep, and I went into their rooms and laid down in the bed with them and hugged /squeezed them as tightly as I could. I called Lee the next day to try to tell him what the song meant to me, and could hardly talk for crying and then for laughing at myself for being so emotional. He laughed, too. So did my husband. đ
Even though it’s not Scripture, it well reminds me of the challenge of living Ephesians 5:16-17, “Making the very most of the time, buying up each opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.”
I share this not to make us feel guilty for being busy, nor to make us sad, but to encourage us to stop the business of busy-ness every once in a while and to “soak in” where we are in our lives. I find myself singing this song every day – especially when responsibilities of “life” start to crowd my joy of living, and of raising my precious children. When I start to wish things were somehow “different”, this song pops into my head, and the Lord reminds me that wherever we are in this particular time of our lives, God is working, and He will use ALL of it for His glory (Rom. 8:28). And, I’m reminded that one day, I’ll look back on this particulalr time of life, and I’ll miss it.
So, here it is – Wednesday’s Word of the Day: “You’re Gonna Miss This”. (You have to click here and watch the video of Trace singing the song at the Grand Old Opry – couldn’t get it to post right here, for some reason.) PS: You might want to grab a tissue, if the song is new to you. đ
“You’re gonna miss this
You’re gonna want this back
You’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you’re gonna miss this”
Love to you all… Let’s make an effort NOT to Miss it!