To me, it is on this day of Holy Week that the humanity and emotional side of Jesus and what He walked through begins to hit home. He spent this day with His disciples and friends, was anointed by a freed woman as she poured her expensive perfume onto Him, then betrayed by one of His closest… one He had poured into every single day of ministry. All the while the religious leaders (the ones who should have embraced His presence) plotted his public humiliation and death. Betrayal in its deepest sense.
Oh sisters and brothers… do you and I betray Jesus in any way today? It seems that we can either BETRAY or ANOINT Jesus each day as we speak, act, react, and manage what He has given us. Lets be bold enough to ask Him as we read these passages and walk with Jesus through His Wednesday.
He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20 (ESV)
Jesus is annointed with expensive perfume from an alabaster flask: Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9
Judas goes to the chief priests and agrees to betray Jesus: Matthew 26:14-15, Mark 14:10-11
The Jews plot against Jesus: Matthew 26:2-5; Mark 14:1-2, 10-11; Luke 22:1-6
* And for an extra activity today, consider what you could do to show your deep love for Jesus… to anoint Him with your priceless treasure. Not because it is required, but just because you love Him and are so grateful for your freedom He purchased and guaranteed for you on the cross.