Many many years ago a new “Night Before Christmas” poem circulated through emails (this was before blogs, Facebook, and Instagram came upon the scene – can we even remember way back then???). That poem made a wonderful point about the busyness we face during Christmas time and the truth that it is often those same “Christmas” activities that drown out God’s call to keep Christmas focused on Jesus. No one knows who originally wrote the poem, but it has always stirred something within me. Over the years, the Lord has given me some adaptations to make to it applicable according to my own personal convictions, and He continues to use it in my life. Here is my updated 2022 version:
‘Twas the Week Before Christmas
T’was the week Before Christmas and all through the town
Not a sign of Baby Jesus was anywhere to be found.
The people were all busy with Christmas-time chores
Like last minute baking and shopping in stores
No “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed.”
Instead, songs of Santa dressed up in bright red.
Mama watched Hallmark and shopped Amazon.
While Papa bemoaned how fast the year’d gone.
When what from the TV did suddenly appear?
A Best Buy add for their sale-of-the-year.
So away to the strip mall they flew like a flash
Buying some things on credit, and others with cash!
To pray to the Savior, they had no time to stop,
Because they shopped and to ate ’till they popped!”
On Wal-Mart! On Marshalls! On Home Goods! On Target!
On Dillards! On Khols! And on to Fresh Market!
From holiday movies, to lighted displays,
To picking up take-out, they would all dash away.
While at home in the den, there arose such a clatter
As kids fought over the XBox, it fell and it shattered.
Their lives were so stress-filled with Christmastime things.
They forgot about Jesus, The Savior, The King.
Once a tiny baby, in a manger He lay.
And grew up a man, as the Only WAY
for Salvation, Redemption, the forgiveness of sin,
Restoring us to God, a new life to begin.
Christ’s eyes… how they twinkle!
Christ’s Spirit… how merry!
Christ’s love… how enormous!
All our burdens… He’ll carry!
So instead of being busy, overworked, and uptight,
Repent and seek Jesus, He’ll make your life right.
Your trouble and stresses may not go away,
But Jesus brings Peace to each heart that will stay
Focused on Him and His love for each man,
As seen in His gracious and Eternal plan.
Original author of the poem is unknown.
Adaptations were made over the yeas by Jennifer Walker.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously,
and he will give you everything you need.”
Mat. 6:33 (NLT)
The poem was intended to end a blog post written in 2013. However, as I was typing those last lines, a “this is my life now” version of the poem popped in my head. I shared it at the end of the original post and went on to explain how the 2013 version came to be. I found it again this year as I was scrolling for something entirely different… yet God, once again, used it to convict and challenge me in the midst of this 2022’s busyness.
At the time the below was written, we had a sophomore and a junior in High School, both of whom were involved in school sports, extracurricular activities, and church groups. I was serving as Women’s Ministry director at our church, teaching Sunday School and Bible studies, working part-time for a realty rental company, and tutoring students in our home while James was working full time in church ministry and also taking classes in a doctoral program. Life was busy, to say the least.
It was just three more days until our first of several family gatherings would take place in our home, two more days until the teacher gifts needed to be finished and delivered, and four more days until the church gifts need to be finished and given. The house was a mess. On top of that, I never fully completed decorating my porch that Christmas. There were still remnants of fall holding their own next to the red and greenery… Ugggg…. I had been SO WAY AHEAD… then life happened, throwing me into continual catch-up mode…
But it was these next sentences of that original 2013 post that still floor me today:
The one thing I have done right, by God’s grace alone, is that He has helped me come when He has called me, and I’ve sought and found Jesus during this Christmas season.
And He has been teaching me that eventually, one way or another, those gifts will be finished and be delivered to their recipients, meals will be prepared, the house will be cleaned up, and my porch will survive the war between simultaneous fall and Christmas decor. Those things will happen, in time, as the Lord helps me – even if it’s down to the last minute.
But those things aren’t the most important things about Christmas. HE is. The Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace is teaching me to focus on the promise that if I will seek Him first, and set my heart upon His advent, the other things of “Christmas” will either fall into place or fall off the list.
In the midst of all of the craziness… somehow… God had helped me keep my heart centered on Him and His Wonder. I’m wondering if anyone else is in the same situation I was in back then… {and I’m kind of in right now, though the circumstances are different}? If so I offer to you, fresh from my {9 years ago} mind and heart, my 2013 Real-Life version of “The Night /Week Before Christmas.”
The 2013 This is My Life One Week Before Christmas Version
‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through this house,
I’m stirring and hurrying like a wild little mouse…
The coffee is brewing, the tree lights are on.
I’m answering emails on computer and phone.
I thought in the fall that I’d be way ahead,
that gifts would be wrapped and stored under the bed.
But life rarely looks like it does in my dreams
And I’m always late and behind, so it seems.
So now here we are, with seven days till
the shopping and wrapping must stop and stand still.
What to do next? On which list should I start?
I’ve been meeting with Jesus, preparing my heart.
And as for the rest… He’s teaching me to say
if nothing looks perfect, it’s really OK.
With the help of the Lord, I’ll do what I can
and leave the rest of “Christmas” in His capable Hand.
To cherish this moment, to embrace each new day,
to trust in the Lord and not question His way,
Is as sugar and cream to a black cup of joe –
The aroma of Jesus wherever I go.
Jennifer Crawford Walker Dec. 17, 2013
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions.
Don’t worry about missing out.
You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.Matthew 6:33, MSG
May the Lord use these words to encourage you – and maybe challenge you this week – and remind you of the fact that Seeking and finding Jesus, and helping others in our lives to seek and find Him… If we could accomplish just this, then Christmas will be an eternal success.
Much love to you all~